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How To Improve Ur Eyesight

Choosing Your Eye Doctor
In the United States, comprehensive eye exams can be performed by ophthalmologists and optometrists. What's the difference between these specialists? 

An ophthalmologist is a medical doctor (M.D.), like an orthopedic surgeon, neurosurgeon, or plastic surgeon, who has completed medical school, an internship, and an ophthalmology residency to learn the medicine and surgery of the eyes, eyelids, and ocular system. Cataract and refractive surgeons are ophthalmologists who further specialize in surgical correction of vision and focusing problems.

An optometrist, also called an optometric doctor (O.D.), specializes in primary eye care including vision correction and medical conditions of the eye. Optometrists can prescribe glasses, contact lenses, and medications, but they do not perform surgery. If an optometrist diagnoses cataracts or eye disease, he or she will refer the patient to an ophthalmologist for treatment. Many optometrists work closely with ophthalmologists to comanage the preoperative and postoperative care of cataract-surgery patients.
An optician fits and dispenses eyeglasses and, in some states, contact lenses, Outside the United States, some countries license ophthalmic opticians to perform eye exams.
Who Performs Cataract Surgery? 

The surgical treatment of cataracts should be done by an ophthalmologist - one who is well qualified, experienced, and respected by colleagues and patients. You can find out about a doctor's credentials from his or her office, the local medical society, a hospital where the doctor is on staff, or the HMO, if applicable. Several sources on the Internet give you access to national and state sources of physician information.

Ask your optometrist or primary-care physician to recommend an ophthalmologist. If you have cataracts, consider seeking an ophthalmologist who specializes in treating cataracts. If you're leaning toward a particular doctor, arrange to talk with a few of his or her patients. Since cataract surgery is so common, you should have no trouble finding people who have had the procedure.

Scheduling Your Eye Exam 

Even if your vision is perfect, you should have a baseline eye exam at age forty, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Your eye doctor can detect even small changes in your vision and eye health by comparing later eye-exam results to the baseline exam.
Don't wait until you're forty if you have diabetes or high blood pressure, if you are taking steroids, if you have a family history of eye disorders, or if you're having problems with your eyes. Schedule your baseline exam right away.

After doing your baseline exam, the doctor will let you know when you should come back. The American Academy of Ophthalmology's recommended eye-exam schedule is:

  • every two to four years until you're sixty-five
  • every one or two years after age sixty-five 
  • any time you're having problems with your eyes
Preparing for Your Eye Exam 

Before you go to your appointment, assemble your medical records. Your eye doctor will want information about:
  • any past eye disorders, injuries, and operations
  • past and present medical problems
  • all medications you're taking, including contraceptives and other prescription drugs, over-the- counter medications, herbs, and homeopathic products, as well as food supplements such as vitamins and minerals 
  • any family history of eye disease 
  • your occupation and hobbies (in order to determine the potential for injury and also to understand how you use your eyes - primarily for driving or computer work, for example) 
  • your primary-care doctor's name, address, and phone number 

Be sure to take your eyeglasses or contact lenses to your appointment. Take sunglasses, too, because your doctor will probably use eye drops to dilate your pupils, and the enlarged pupils will make your eyes extremely sensitive to bright light for several hours. In fact, you might want to arrange for someone to drive you home. To find out more, you can check out How To Improve Ur Eyesight.